Filip Smolík: Complete publications list

International and English-language publications

International conference talks

  • Smolík, F., Bláhová, V. (2012). Word order and information structure in a case-marked language: lexically advanced Czech 3-year-olds comprehend OVS sentences. Talk presented at the Olomouc linguistic coloquium, Olinco 2013. Olomouc, June 6, 2013.
  • Smolík, F. (2012). The use of gender information in lexical processing in Czech 23-month-olds: an eyetracking study. Talk presented at the Olomouc linguistic coloquium, Olinco 2013. Olomouc, June 6, 2013.
  • Smolík, F. (2012). Imagine that: Imageability affects the acquisition of noun and verb inflections. Talk presented at the Olomouc linguistic coloquium, Olinco 2013. Olomouc, June 7, 2013
  • Smolík, F. (2012). The use of gender information in lexical processing in Czech 23-month-olds: an eyetracking study. Talk presented at the conference Early language acquisition, Lyon, December 6, 2012.
  • Smolík, F., Vávrů, P. (2012). Sentence imitation in Czech children with SLI: disproportionate impairment of clitics and finite verbs. Talk presented at the conference Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – North America 5, Lawrence, KS, October 12, 2012
  • Smolík, F. (2012). Noun imageability facilitates the acquisition of plural forms in children. Talk presented at the 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, London, July 10.
  • Smolík, F. (2012). Czech 3-year-olds comprehend OVS sentences: implications for the models of early syntactic representation. Talk presented at the 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, London, July 10.
  • Smolík, F., Marková, G. (2010). Talking about others' mental states predicts person reference in children. Talk presented at the BPS Developmental Psychology Section Conference, Sept. 15, 2010, Goldsmiths, University of London.
  • Lukavský, J., Smolík, F. (2009). Word Order and Case Inflection in Czech: On-line Sentence Comprehension in Children and Adults. 31th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Amsterdam, July 31st.
  • Smolík, F. Facilitating sentence comprehension by syntactic priming. Poznañ Linguistic Meeting, September 2008.
  • Smolík, F. Lexical Growth and Acquisition of Morphological Forms. 29th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, November 2004.

International conference posters

Peer-reviewed publications in Czech

  • Štěpánková, H., Smolík, F., Vyhnálek, M., Nikolai, T., Horáková, K., Niederlová, M. (2014). Propoziční hustota ve výpovědích seniorů. Československá psychologie, 58, 317-325.
  • Takács, L., Smolík, F., Sněhotová, J., Horáková Hoskovcová, S. (2013). Diagnostika psychosociálního klimatu porodnice – konstrukce a psychometrická evaluace dotazníku KLI-P. Československá psychologie, 57, 1, 73-91. If(2012)=0.244.
  • Votavová, K., Smolík, F. (2010). Diagnostika rané slovní zásoby rodičovskými dotazníky: přehled a pilotní studie [Assessing early children’s vocabulary with parent-report inventories: a review and a pilot study]. Československá psychologie, 54, 301-313.
  • Smolík, F. (2010). Jsou jazykové znalosti vrozené? [Is language knowledge innate?] Vesmír, 89, 324-325.
  • Šlerka, J., Smolík, F. (2010). Automatická měřítka čitelnosti pro česky psané texty [Readability Formulas for Czech Written Texts]. Studies in Applied Linguistics (Prague), 1, 33-44.
  • Smolík, F. (2009). Psycholingvistika a čeština: některá slibná témata [Psycholinguistics and Czech: some promissing topics]. Naše řeč, 92, 240-251.
  • Smolík, F., Lukavský, J. (2009). Měření jazykového porozumění u dětí v reálném čase sledováním očních pohybů [On-line measurement of language comprehension in children using eye-movement monitoring]. Československá psychologie, 53, 5, 480-491.
  • Smolík, F. (2009). Gramatické vlivy na identifikaci slov u dìtí: detekce chyb a syntaktický priming (Grammatical effects in children's word identification: syntactic priming and violation detection). Sborník prací z konference Kognice 2007, Olomouc.
  • Smolík, F. (2009). Vývojová dysfázie a struktura raných jazykových schopností (Developmental dysphasia and the structure of early language abilities). Československá psychologie, 53, 1, 40-54.
  • Smolík, F. (2008). Syntaktický priming porozumìní v èeštinì (Syntactic priming of comprehension in Czech). Sborník prací z konference Kognice 2008, Hradec Králové.
  • Smolík, F. (2008). Nìkteré gramatické vlivy na identifikaci slov (Some grammatical influences on word identification). Československá psychologie, 52, 3, 240-252.
  • Smolík, F. (2006). Vývoj receptivní znalosti jazyka v prvních dvou letech života (The development of receptive language knowledge in the first two years of life). Èeskoslovenská psychologie, 50, 238-250.
  • Smolík, F. (2002). Osvojování èeských slovesných tvarù v raném vìku (The acquisition of Czech verb forms in the early age). Československá psychologie, 46, 450-461.  
  • Smolík, F. (2000). Nìkterá vodítka k urèení gramatické struktury jednoduché èeské vìty (Some cues for the interpretation of the grammatical structure of a simple Czech sentence). Bulletin PsÚ AV ČR, Praha, 6(1) 47-71. 
  • Smolík, F. (1996). Ekologická teorie vnímání J. J. Gibsona (J. J. Gibson's ecological theory of perception). Československá psychologie, 40, 343--358.